The Micro C++ Library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
micxx::traits::BiDiConnectionDefines a combination of a Receiver and a Sender class
micxx::BufferA simple generic Buffer that could dynamically grow or shrink
micxx::ClientSocketA ClientSocket represents a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) client endpoint of a StreamSocket
micxx::ConditionA Condition provides yet another way for threads to synchronize based upon the actual value of data
micxx::traits::ConnectionDefines a close(ClosingMode) method
micxx::DatagramImplements an unrelated network packet for any unreliable transmission protocol (e.g. UDP)
micxx::DatagramSocketA DatagramSocket represents a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Socket for sending and receiving single (short) datagram packets
micxx::ExceptionAn Exception is able to represent an error code, a message text and a stack of exception causes
micxx::FileA File is a special Stream associated to a filename
micxx::FilenameA Filename class represents a file or directory name within a filesystem
micxx::traits::FormatterDefines an interface to emit potentially nested content
micxx::HTTPConnectionA HTTPConnection implements a HTTP client connection as defined by RFC2616 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
micxx::InetAddressAn InetAddress represents a BSD socket API compliant Internet Protocol (IPv4) specific SocketAddress
micxx::InetDatagramAn InetDatagram represents an UDP Internet Protocol (IP) specific Datagram
micxx::LogThe class Log provides a simple logging facility
micxx::MulticastAddressA MulticastAddress represents an Internet Protocol (IPv4) specific Multicast InetAddress
micxx::MulticastSocketA MulticastSocket represents an Internet Protocol (IP) specific Multicast DatagramSocket that adds capabilities for joining multicast groups of other multicast hosts on the internet
micxx::MutexA Mutex provides mutual exclusive access to critical sections of concurrent threads
micxx::traits::NonCopyableMakes the Copy-Constructor and the Assignment-Operator private
micxx::PCQueue< T >A PCQueue implements a threadsafe blocking Producer/Consumer Queue supporting a maximum size
micxx::PKCS12StoreMemory representation of a PKCS#12 container
micxx::PrivateKeyMemory representation of a private key
micxx::traits::ProgressMonitorPure virtual call-back interface to signal progress and to propagate feedback of cancellation
micxx::traits::Reader< CharType, OffType >A Reader class defines methods to read from a Stream
micxx::traits::ReceiverDefines a combination of a Connection and a recv(void*, size_t, bool) method
micxx::RefCountPtr< T >The RefCountPtr template is used by SharedPtr to store a shared pointer that keeps a reference counter
micxx::traits::RunnableInterface that may be used within a thread as the thread's execution implementation
micxx::SCMHandleThis class takes care of releasing a SCM Handles within its destructor by calling CloseServiceHandle as required
micxx::SemaphoreThe Semaphore implements a counting semaphore with the ability of claiming or returning more than one unit from the semaphore and with support for timeout detection
micxx::traits::SenderDefines a combination of a connection and a send(const void*, size_t, bool) method
micxx::ServerSocketA ServerSocket represents a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) server endpoint of a StreamSocket. It adds the capability to listen for and to accept other TCP client connections
micxx::ServiceA Service is a background task, that usually does not require any user interaction
micxx::SharedPtr< T >The SharedPtr template is used to store a pointer of type T* which must have been allocated by new and which is automatically deleted when the SharedPtr instance is deallocated
micxx::SocketA Socket class could be bound to a SocketAddress and provides the interface to generic BSD socket API compliant Socket properties
micxx::SocketAddressA SocketAddress represents an abstract and protocol unspecific Socket address
micxx::SocketSetA SocketSet resembles fd_set the BSD compliant set of sockets used with select and synchronous I/O multiplexing
micxx::SSLClientSocketA SSLClientSocket represents a Secure Socket Layer (TCP) client endpoint of a StreamSocket
micxx::SSLProtocolThe SSLProtocol provides a Secure Socket Layer protocol implementation
micxx::SSLServerSocketA SSLServerSocket represents a Secure Socket Layer (TCP) server endpoint of a StreamSocket
micxx::traits::StreamA Stream is a generic abstract streaming interface to read and/or write data from and/or to
micxx::StreamReaderAn StreamReader is a Stream implementation that is based on std::istream associated to a name
micxx::StreamSocketA StreamSocket represents one endpoint of a bidirectional, reliable, in-order stream oriented connection as used with the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
micxx::StringsLots of string conversion and formatting functions
micxx::SynchronizedA Synchronized is used to automatically lock and unlock a mutex
micxx::SystemAccess to shared static data structures that need to exist exactly once in each process like the System properties or the System mutex
SYSTEMTIMEThe SYSTEMTIME as specified by the Windows API is used as a common time representation
micxx::ThreadA Thread represents a thread of execution within a process that could be run synchronously or started asynchronously and joined later to regain synchronization
micxx::ThrottleA Throttle could either be used to measure or to limit the througput per second
micxx::traits::ToStringDefines a common toString()const method
micxx::URLImplements a uniform resource locator as referenced by RFC 2396 and RFC 3305 etc
micxx::WildcardImplementation of UN*X wildcards
micxx::Win32SDKWin32 SDK related functions
micxx::traits::Writer< CharType, OffType >A Writer class defines methods to read from a Stream
micxx::X509CertificateMemory representation of a X.509 certificate
micxx::X509CertificateListThe X509Certificate class is a list of X509Certificate objects
micxx::XMLFormatterSimple XML formatter by implementing the Formatter interface