The Micro C++ Library
micxx::MulticastAddress Class Reference

A MulticastAddress represents an Internet Protocol (IPv4) specific Multicast InetAddress. More...

#include <micxx.hxx>

Inherits micxx::InetAddress.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MulticastAddress ()
 Construct the invalid multicast address
 MulticastAddress (const std::string &address)
 Construct a MulticastAddress from a multicast address notation like m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n[:yyyyy]].
 MulticastAddress (const std::string &address, const std::string &intfAddress)
 Construct a MulticastAddress from a multicast address notation like m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n[:yyyyy]] where the optional interface part could be overwritten.
 MulticastAddress (const std::string &address, unsigned short port, const std::string &bindIntf, const std::string &intfAddress)
 Construct a MulticastAddress from a multicast address notation like m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n[:yyyyy]] where the optional port or interface part could be overwritten.
 MulticastAddress (const InetAddress &address, const InetAddress &intfAddress)
 Construct a MulticastAddress from an InetAddress and an additional interface InetAddress.
 MulticastAddress (const MulticastAddress &right)
 Create a copy of MulticastAddress right.
virtual ~MulticastAddress ()
 Deallocates the optional interface InetAddress.
virtual SocketAddressclone () const
 Return an exact copy of this InetAddress allocated by new.
virtual InetAddress getBindAddress () const
 The bind address is an InetAddress against which a socket should be bound.
virtual InetAddress getJoinIntf () const
 The join interface should be used in setsockopt for IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP to add the multicast membership for a specific network interface.
virtual InetAddress getJoinAddress () const
virtual const InetAddressgetIntfAddress () const
 Return the optional stored interface InetAddress.
virtual MulticastAddressoperator= (const MulticastAddress &right)
 Make this a copy of MulticastAddress right.
virtual void setHostname (const std::string &hostname)
 Set the fields of this MulticastAddress from hostname, which may be specified as m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n[:yyyyy]].
virtual void setIntfAddress (const std::string &address)
 Set the optional interface InetAddress from a string representation.
virtual void setIntfAddress (const InetAddress *address)
 Set the optional interface InetAddress.
virtual std::string toString () const
 A default string representation of this MulticastAddress like m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n[:yyyyy]] using the standard dotted format.

Detailed Description

A MulticastAddress represents an Internet Protocol (IPv4) specific Multicast InetAddress.

A MulticastAddress may be specified as m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n[:yyyyy]], where

  • m.m.m.m is a multicast address in standard dotted format ranging from to
  • n.n.n.n (used without :yyyyy) specifies an interface that should be used in setsockopt for IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP to add the multicast membership for a specific network interface. If not specified INADDR_ANY should be used instead.
  • if n.n.n.n:yyyyy is specified, this address should be used to bind the socket to, that is passed to setsockopt for IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP. In this case the imr_interface part of the optval struct ip_mreq should be set to INADDR_ANY.
  • if yyyyy is not specified the address INADDR_ANY[:xxxxx] should be used to bind the socket to, that has to be passed to setsockopt for IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP.

The m.m.m.m[:xxxxx] part is represented by the inherited InetAddress, whereas the optional n.n.n.n[:yyyyy] part is represented by a stored optional interface InetAddress that may also be 0.

Norbert Klose
February, 2007

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

micxx::MulticastAddress::MulticastAddress ( )

Construct the invalid multicast address

micxx::MulticastAddress::MulticastAddress ( const std::string &  address)

Construct a MulticastAddress from a multicast address notation like m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n[:yyyyy]].

addressA multicast address notation like m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n[:yyyyy]].
See also:
setHostname(const std::string&)
micxx::MulticastAddress::MulticastAddress ( const std::string &  address,
const std::string &  intfAddress 

Construct a MulticastAddress from a multicast address notation like m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n[:yyyyy]] where the optional interface part could be overwritten.

addressA multicast address notation like m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n[:yyyyy]].
intfAddressAn address notation like n.n.n.n[:yyyyy] overwriting the interface part from address.
micxx::MulticastAddress::MulticastAddress ( const std::string &  address,
unsigned short  port,
const std::string &  bindIntf,
const std::string &  intfAddress 

Construct a MulticastAddress from a multicast address notation like m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n[:yyyyy]] where the optional port or interface part could be overwritten.

addressA multicast address notation like m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n[:yyyyy]].
portOverwriting either [:yyyyy], if a bindIntf is specified, or [:xxxxx] otherwise.
bindIntfAn address notation overwriting [@n.n.n.n].
intfAddressAn address notation like n.n.n.n[:yyyyy] overwriting the interface part from address if no bindIntf is specified.
micxx::MulticastAddress::MulticastAddress ( const InetAddress address,
const InetAddress intfAddress 

Construct a MulticastAddress from an InetAddress and an additional interface InetAddress.

addressAn address like m.m.m.m[:xxxxx].
intfAddressAn address like n.n.n.n[:yyyyy].
micxx::MulticastAddress::MulticastAddress ( const MulticastAddress right)

Create a copy of MulticastAddress right.

rightThe MulticastAddress from which to copy.
virtual micxx::MulticastAddress::~MulticastAddress ( ) [virtual]

Deallocates the optional interface InetAddress.

Member Function Documentation

virtual SocketAddress* micxx::MulticastAddress::clone ( ) const [virtual]

Return an exact copy of this InetAddress allocated by new.

Reimplemented from micxx::InetAddress.

virtual InetAddress micxx::MulticastAddress::getBindAddress ( ) const [virtual]

The bind address is an InetAddress against which a socket should be bound.

An address following the rules
  • m.m.m.m[:xxxxx]@n.n.n.n:yyyyy results in n.n.n.n:yyyyy
  • m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n] results in INADDR_ANY[:xxxxx]
virtual const InetAddress* micxx::MulticastAddress::getIntfAddress ( ) const [virtual]

Return the optional stored interface InetAddress.

virtual InetAddress micxx::MulticastAddress::getJoinAddress ( ) const [virtual]

The join address is an IPv4 address (Layer 4) that represents the multicast address at a specific port.

An address following the rules
  • m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n] results in m.m.m.m[:xxxxx]
  • m.m.m.m[:xxxxx]@n.n.n.n:yyyyy results in m.m.m.m:yyyyy
virtual InetAddress micxx::MulticastAddress::getJoinIntf ( ) const [virtual]

The join interface should be used in setsockopt for IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP to add the multicast membership for a specific network interface.

It is an IPv4 address that should be used as imr_interface part of the optval struct ip_mreq that is passed to setsockopt for IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP.

An address following the rules
  • m.m.m.m[:xxxxx]@n.n.n.n results in n.n.n.n
  • m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n:yyyyy] results in INADDR_ANY
virtual MulticastAddress& micxx::MulticastAddress::operator= ( const MulticastAddress right) [virtual]

Make this a copy of MulticastAddress right.

rightThe MulticastAddress from which to copy.
virtual void micxx::MulticastAddress::setHostname ( const std::string &  hostname) [virtual]

Set the fields of this MulticastAddress from hostname, which may be specified as m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n[:yyyyy]].

Reimplemented from micxx::InetAddress.

virtual void micxx::MulticastAddress::setIntfAddress ( const InetAddress address) [virtual]

Set the optional interface InetAddress.

addressThe optinal interface InetAddress, or 0 to delete the current optional interface InetAddress.
virtual void micxx::MulticastAddress::setIntfAddress ( const std::string &  address) [virtual]

Set the optional interface InetAddress from a string representation.

addressAn address notation like n.n.n.n[:yyyyy] overwriting the interface part of this MulticastAddress.
virtual std::string micxx::MulticastAddress::toString ( ) const [virtual]

A default string representation of this MulticastAddress like m.m.m.m[:xxxxx][@n.n.n.n[:yyyyy]] using the standard dotted format.

Reimplemented from micxx::InetAddress.

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